This BCO-DMO website template uses the lightweight, open source CSS framework Bulma for mobile-tested, accessible UI base components, combined with Nunjucks for JS templating.
npm install - from inside bco-dmo project root the first time running the site locally to install all dependencies (ie. Gulp, Sass, etc.)
gulp auto - runs the site locally via localhost
src/ directory is where you make all content, template/layout, or component changes
dist/assets/* directories for images, CSS/Sass, and JS changes
Primary Light
Accent Medium
Accent Light
Dark Gray
Light Gray
Lightest Gray
Also reference Bulma's Title and Subtitle headings elements for more variations.
.has-text-right Makes the text aligned to the right
.is-capitalized Transforms the first character of each word to uppercase
.is-lowercase Transforms all characters to lowercase
.is-uppercase Transforms all characters to uppercase
.is-italic Transforms all characters to italic
Margin/Padding Helper Classes
These classes can be used to override or accompany built in styling where needed to properly space out an element or components. For example, this paragraph tag of text has .margin-bot-3 to give some subtle, consistent spacing beneath it.
Top Margin
Bottom Margin
Left Margin
Right Margin
Top Padding
Bottom Padding
Left Padding
Right Padding
Logo & Icons
In addition to the website look and feel, the BCO-DMO Logo is also getting a refresh. See below for how to best use it.
Icons used throughout the BCO-DMO site are font-based icons via FontAwesome (v 4.7). Below are a few to show how to use them, but check out the FontAwesome Docs for more details and the entire library of icons.
The .container element is used to create a consistent wrapper around content
If you need to horizontally divide content within a .container or any other section, you'll want to do so using columns. They will grow/shrink in size the more you add, and they are responsive and will collapse at specific breakpoints.
In addition to standard .column class, you can add specific widths based on a 12 column grid, or use a combination of the two like below.
The hero is used as the top section of a page, often called a header or splash. There are many variations, check them out on Bulma Hero Docs.
Default Size Hero
Default Size Hero Subtitle
Primary and Centered Hero
Subtitle text would go here...
Image and Medium Size Hero
Subtitle text would go here...
Split Hero
This is a custom landing page hero meant to only be used on the home page for now. For it to display properly it needs to be a full width component, so the component library's narrow container will cause it to scrunch.
We are BCO-DMO
A repository funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), supporting the oceanographic research community's data needs throughout the entire data life cycle.
Tags are very versatile and a great way to display important information quickly and call attention to it when necessary. Check out all variations in Bulma Tags Docs.
Default TagPrimarySuccess LightWarning LightDanger Light
Default Icon Left
Danger Icon Left
Success Icon Right
Medium Size
Large Size
Alerts & Notifications
Alerts, referred to as Notifications in Bulma, are a way to grab the user's attention with important information.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit lorem ipsum dolor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit lorem ipsum dolor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit lorem ipsum dolor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit lorem ipsum dolor.
Form Elements
Form elements includes textboxes, select/dropdowns, checkboxes, radios, and any other custom form elements used in the BCO-DMO website. Check out the Bulma Form Docs for even more detail.